Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Another Opportunity for Mindfulness Meditation!

Ahoy, there! Seems like we only just announced our new mindfulness meditation course - and it's already sold out! No worries, though: Karl Baker will be leading another four-week introductory course in September!

But it's filling up fast - at this writing only 14 spaces remain. If you want in, check out Karl's website and register!

Where: Healium.

When: 6.30 to 7.15 pm Wednesdays, 4-25 September.

What: Four-week introductory course in mindfulness meditation. Limited to 20 students.

How Much: $55.

Who: Karl Baker. He's been practicing mindfulness meditation for over 10 years. A first-class honors graduate of Victoria University, he's set up three successful businesses, lives in Upper Hutt, has a sweet tooth and enjoys craft beer. Visit his website at http://mindfulnessworks.co.nz/

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