So, it's time for an important update, since everyone is starting to ask: what about immigration? Well, we heard back from them a few weeks ago, and this was (pretty much) their answer: "You are doing great, but not great enough to stay. Congratulations on investing so much time and money, for turning a good profit, but not good enough - kthnxgbye."
Yes, seriously. No, there are no other options available to us for gaining residency (we checked). Thus, we are going forward to the US, and you are probably staying here on account of your being residents and citizens and work visa holders and having jobs and lives and stuff.
So, we're going. But, Healium is staying. And here's how:
1. Sylvia is going to take over operations of Healium Wellington!
Most of you know Sylvia and, like we do, think she is great. When I look at Sylvia, I see a person who is where I was before coming to New Zealand. I see a person who is passionate about movement and learning, who loves working with each student and giving them personalized instruction in a group setting, and who has great business skills and is ready to take on a place like Healium!
It takes a lot of courage for her to step up into this position, and that says a lot about her character if you ask me. I know that she's going to be a great leader "on the ground" for this community, and Ryan and I are going to be with her every step of the way!
During the next few weeks of our transition, we'll be announcing what changes are afoot - all with our 100% support and backing - to keep this community healthy and vibrant, to make sure we are serving your needs and interests, and carrying you forward as the community grows and changes.
2. We are setting up the Healium Virtual Studio!
Oddly enough, sometime in early July I had this idea to be able to meet the needs of my clients in Philadelphia and on the West Coast (US), and a few folks in random places such as Australia and Israel. Obviously, all of my research and work around this was actually to set it up for you!
I hadn't planned on getting the library up and rolling - or even filming it until October - but as you know, we'll start filming in September. We need your help, and we'll pay you in chocolate. So let me know that you are coming and what your chocolate requirements are!
In addition to the library, I will be available for online private lessons and some group classes and workshops and whatnot. This is also how we'll be continuing the teacher training and how I'll be doing Pilates and bellydancing with Sylvia - through the Internet! It's a funny little miracle, isn't it?
3. We are going to start some form of Healium Pittsburgh!
This may not be all that interesting to you, but since we can't stay in New Zealand, we sat around for about 45 minutes and decided that we should probably go somewhere where we didn't have to apply for a visa. Other attributes we looked for were low cost of living, job opportunities, opportunities for Healium, Steiner education for Hawk, and accessible city living.
We hit upon Pittsburgh because it fits all the criteria - and is near our families. So, away we go on another adventure.
Now, you probably want to know about timelines.
Right now, we are transitioning Healium over to Sylvia. We'll do this through the month of August, and in September, she'll run point while we back her up. Then in October, Sylvia will take on full ownership of the business.
Ryan and I will be here - and I'll be teaching most of the classes as well as available for private lessons -- until October. And then we head to the US!
We'll also have a final farewell bash for our community sometime at the end of September/beginning of October. We'll let you know when we have the final date.
All in all, Hawk put it best: We're excited to go, but sad to leave. Every one of you means so much to us, and we are so thankful for your dedication, love, and friendship during our time here. We want that connection to continue - with Healium on the ground here in Wellington, the virtual studio, and in any other ways we can create connection!
Soooooooo very sorry that you will be going. I am sure all your Healium Followers will be sorry. I hope to see you before you leave. I arrive in the morning on October 7th and will aim to get there for a lunch time class!
Take care
Aw bummer, Healium crew rocks in Wellington.
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