Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Healium: A Manifesto

We, the practitioners of Healium, declare and uphold these values:

1. Laughter is medicine!

While we know there are times in life that are difficult in many ways, we also know that we can hold difficulty and still be open to joy. We will find, create, share and be joy!

2. All are welcome.

As individuals and as a group, we seek authentic expression of our highest selves in every aspect of our lives. We utilize our talents and skills to help facilitate this process for others, as well. We want everyone to express themselves freely and live authentically.

3. Partnership and community is our process!

Instead of a conventional hierarchy of healing-healing-patient, we focus on a partnership. You, the client, are the person directing this process; we simply bring our skills and talents into the mix to bring about your healing and self-discovery.

4. The Earth is our own body, mind and spirit!

We are committed to eco-friendly initiatives. In our renovations, we have chosen recycled, renewable or otherwise environmentally responsible products. In our office, we are working to create a low-paper, no-waste, carbon-neutral environment. Whenever possible, the supplies for our healing practices are organic, Fair Trade, sustainable or recycled.

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